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Friday, August 2, 2013

One of my Favorite Strawberry Odor Office Air Freshener

Today I'll be sharing some info on one of my favorite imported air fresheners. This one is called La Chica Fresita Air Freshener by Eivy's de Mexico. It has a great pleasant strawberry scent which I really really like. Although it's meant for automotive use, I use it for many purposes outside my vehicle. For example, two weeks I bought four of these air fresheners and used one in my room and one in my restroom. It's been two weeks and the scent is still alive and kicking, my entire house smells so fresh. I'll be saving my fourth and final Chica Fresita air freshener to use in my office, there's one which I placed three weeks ago and again is still going strong. This is one of the reasons why I love this air freshener. Sadly it is not carried by any local stores around my area so I'm forced to purchase it online
La Chica Fresita Ambientador Aromatizante Air Freshener - pic by
available in many sites browse around for the cheapest price possible because believe me, you'll be hooked on its awesome strawberry scent. I tend to buy  five or six pieces at a time which last me an overall good month or so when I use them across my house and office. Being that its aroma last so long I find it to be of great value its fairly cheap and outlast many known brands making it a real value. For now have a great one and until next time, your friend ValueGator.

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